My first visit.
At Casto Chiropractic we intend to make your initial visit to our office a comfortable experience. Our chiropractic asst. will have you fill out all neccessary forms that will give us the information we need to get you started on your way to better health. The doctor will then meet with you to discuss your needs and together you will decide if our office is the best choice for you. If so, we will get started on your complete chiropractic examination.
After discussing your questions with the doctor. We will conduct a thorough examination to investigate your condition. Such tests include range of motion abilities, your reflexes, and other standard postural, neurological, orthopedic, and physical examations. If needed the doctor may order xrays. All of this information will help the doctor to understand your condition.
Report of findings.
After the doctor has collected all of the information about you and your body, we will guide you through the recommended treatment program to get you on your way to optimal health.
Chiropractic care.
Most Patients will see great improvement after just one visit. Depending on your health goals, will determine how long and how often you will need to be adjusted. The doctor will help to educate you on this process of chiropractic as a natural, non invasivie, healing art.

New Patient Forms
New Patient Intake & Consent
Please complete all forms and bring to your first appointment.
Payment Options.
Casto Chiropractic believes in the value of wellness care for all people. We have maintained a pricing structure that allows chiropractic care for all budgets. Our doctor participates in most insurance programs. We also accept auto accident and personal injury cases. For those patients without health insurance we have flexible payment programs avaliable.
Most insurance plans are accepted at our office. We accept auto accidents, personal injury, most health insurance plans, including medicare. Since there are a wide variety of plans and policies. Our chiropractic asst. would be happy to verify and explain your coverage before your first visit at no charge to you.
No Insurance.
For patients with no health insurance coverage, we have an affordable plan for you as an individual or for the whole family. We have drop in rates as well as discounted packaged pricing.
Payment Method.
We accept cash, check, Visa/Mastercard